Our Recurring Offerings

Daily Practice

Every Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:30am ET

For every race, gender, ethnicity, age, ability, and orientation.
Intention holders: Ayesha Ali, Laura De Spain and rotating team

30 minutes of self-directed practice in the practice of your choice with time for shared investigative exploration.

To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83963998334?pwd=SUZlcXZTM2FjcTI3dDdvL25UZThoZz09

Global Majority Evening Hangout

3rd Fridays
7:00pm ET

For members of the Global Majority (BIPOC, POC, etc.).
Intention holder: Ayesha Ali

A time to relax and share. Bring food, drinks, and laughter.

To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81729916150?pwd=TWFONHlKUDZPMXEraWlqUHdObERkZz09

We Art Jammin’

2nd and 4th Sundays
11:00am ET

For members of the Global Majority (BIPOC, POC, etc.).
Intention holder: Adrienne Burton

A global majority creative play date, designed to cultivate joy and freedom in expression. Gather any supplies, materials, tools or instruments that might serve your creativity and let yourself be surprised by what emerges. You may choose to work on an existing creative project or follow an inspiration that arises in the space. Whatever happens, may it serve your restoration

To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84024198080?pwd=MGRkN1ZQdGx3WVlGRHcwaTJkclVHdz09

Heartwidth Sangha

Every 3rd Sunday
1:00pm ET

For every race, gender, ethnicity, age, ability, and orientation.
Intention holder: Ayesha Ali

We can’t wait to be "better" to come together across differences. I believe the time calls for us to not be "right" together, but to build the capacity to be "wrong" together. I am holding space and sharing my understanding of the Dharma for all human beings (pets may attend). ALL ARE WELCOME. I hope to see you there.

Heartwidth is a sangha that creates a container of courage and grace that allows its members to be supported by a practice that connects past differences and begins the work of creating a “beloved community”.

  1. Embody the Whole Self: Acceptance of the bodies we inhabit and the lineage and history of that body (accepting its pain and resilience). We also bring all of our feelings, joy, pain, confusion, etc...

  2. Capacity: We are capable and willing to hold all that we are and have the capacity to be present to others' past differences and history. In support of the development to increase capacity, we will engage in various types of mindfulness practices.

  3. Community: We are committed to developing a community that supports the development of relationships outside of the practice space.

To join: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83117785217?pwd=dUtVK0dJS1EwdTBiL0VnMXdtYjBGZz09

Additional Opportunities
for Practice & Connection

Every Tuesday at 6pm EST
Intention holders: Ayesha Ali and Rashid Hughes


The Heart Refuge Community for People of Color

Every 2nd Saturday from 4pm to 6pm EST
Intention holders: Ayesha Ali, part of the teaching team


IMCW Queer Sangha

Every 4th Saturday from 4 to 6pm EST
Intention holders: Ayesha Ali guiding teacher plus rotating teaching team.
This is a hybrid group which meets in person in Takoma Park, MD


IMCW People of Color Sangha

Past Events